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“He Anoints My Head with Oil” was the topic of the October Women’s Ministry meeting. The evening matched the topic perfectly. Before I fill you in on the meeting, there were some announcements that you would not want to miss.

Lesli Slack announced a mentoring program. Mentoring is about an older woman coming alongside of a younger woman for the purpose of encouraging the latter to walk in the grace of God. It is truly about more than that, though. As we develop these types of intimate relationships, both the younger and the older will grow more into the likeness of Jesus. Lesli has set up a Facebook page to facilitate this. While the Facebook page is not private, it is by invitation only. If you are interested in either being a mentor or in being mentored, please contact Lesli or call Emily Jessee at Metro Life Church. Either of these ladies will get you signed up.

Anna Jelstrom reported on her Trade Secrets Tea, which was held on October 2. Twenty ladies attended this event, which is geared toward trading tips for the benefit of all areas of womanhood – from housekeeping to motherhood, to aging, to spiritual disciplines and more. She also has a digital magazine in the works. Look for an announcement of another tea next year.

We will gather one more time this year on Sunday, December 11, from 6-8 pm for an evening of worship under the stars. Mark your calendars and look for upcoming announcements.

After a time of fellowship and tasting of oils with breads accompanied by Mediterranean-inspired hors d'oeuvres, we gathered for our meeting. A lovely group of dancers led us into worship as they praised our Lord with dance. Emily introduced our own Debi Walter who brought a teaching which inspired us to experience the Holy Spirit individually.

Debi taught us about how we need oil to make sense of our senses, and we need our senses to be anointed. She discussed how easily our senses of touch, sight, hearing, smell, and even taste can be manipulated. They can cause us to be distracted, disconnected, discouraged, disgusted, disengaged, despondent, or dismissed. We can isolate ourselves from people who bother us, thereby denying the work that God is building in each of our lives.

Are we willing to submit our senses to The Good Shepherd? He anointed his sheep in the midst of their enemies. He did not take them to a safe place free from distractions or disturbances.

We get caught up in our world and lose sight of the big picture. The Holy Spirit brings focus. We need to channel not stifle our emotions so we can be used by him. In a moment’s time he can give perspective.

The teaching ended with time for us to interact quietly at our seats – just between God and us:

1. Ask God to forgive me where I’ve been manipulated by the enemy. Be specific.
2. Ask the Lord to anoint me with the Holy Spirit and to allow Him to speak to me what is on his heart and mind for me.

I would encourage you to do this in the quiet of your own home as well. It is a good exercise to do frequently.

Even though this was a quiet time between individuals and God, several ladies stepped out and shared what God was saying to them. The anointing of the Lord was surely in the house, and we were all greatly encouraged.

Thank you, Debi, for leading us to spend time with our precious Lord.

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