We’ve just completed our third lesson in our look at God’s Love. It’s been a great time of study and application for us. While it’s sometimes difficult to show love the way Christ did, we talked about how this plays a part in living out the gospel for others.
This final message was entitled “Loving Outward,” and it focused on helping students understand that God’s love for them sets in motion their love for others, and how this love is practically lived out in their daily lives.
We looked at the following Scripture passages:
John 13:34-35
1 John 3:16-18
In the previous weeks, we talked about how love is an essential facet of God’s character. We also looked at how God demonstrated this love to us by sending Christ as the payment for our sins. We put those lessons together this week as we talked about how this love becomes part of our own character and we demonstrate the kind of love Christ did – one that’s self-sacrificing.
Next Steps...
During the next week as you have time to talk with your students, consider asking the following questions:
What do you think sacrificial love looks like in our world?
Have you ever seen anyone demonstrate this kind of love?

Why do you think it may be difficult for us to show this kind of love to others?
Is this hard for you?
How do you think loving like Christ loved us can show the gospel to those who don’t know Christ?
I have enjoyed this time of learning with the youth! I hope there have been some great opportunities for discussion for you. I am thankful for the opportunity to partner with you as we make disciples of students! If you have any questions about anything, please don’t hesitate to call me.
Alive Youth Group - March 26th Meeting