The latest on 'Life at Metro'

News, Information and Sermon follow up from our Sunday messages as well as stories on our life together!

During the last Alive Parent meeting in April, we asked Angie Mendez to take notes about what we talked about regarding the direction and vision for the Alive Youth Group in the coming year. We are posting her notes here to help parents best understand what we're seeking to accomplish in Alive.



Asleep. Dead. Inanimate. Lifeless. According to Merriam Webster’s online dictionary, these words mean the opposite of ALIVE and sadly, describe the condition of so many young people in today’s culture. At Metro LIFE Church, we desire to see our teens awake, full of life, and animated by and through the power of Christ. Because of this hope to see the next generation living their lives to the glory of our great God, we have prayerfully considered some changes in the direction of our teen ministry, ALIVE, and we’d like to share them with you.

We are reminded in scripture that without a vision the people perish, and that is also true of this ministry. So first, we want to make sure our vision and mission are strong and clearly stated. For our teens and for us as a local body of believers, we want being alive in Christ and following His example to be evident as we do the following:

• Increase in our love for God by helping our teens engage with the truth and practically apply God’s word to everyday life

• Grow in fellowship together by encouraging our diverse group of teens to break down the walls that so often keep them isolated and alone, and ensure that students don’t have opportunity to feel lonely, scared, or bored

• Share the love of Jesus with others by providing outreach and evangelism opportunities in which they can participate together

The ALIVE ministry represents 51 families, 92, teen, 40, young men, 52 young ladies, 10 schools, and 2 counties. Since the beginning of 2015, we’ve seen the number of families and teens served by ALIVE increase 30%. We’re not sharing the numbers to brag about numbers. Instead they help us understand the diverse and varied group we serve and provide information to help us strategize—we don’t want anyone over-looked or un-involved!

Please join with us. Pray! Get involved! We want our teens to know that they are important to us as a church, that they are loved, that we care about them. Rather than dead and lifeless, we want them to have a safe, protected place to enjoy being ALIVE together in Christ!


Check back next week for the second installment of this six part series on the Alive ministry, and meet the passionate for God, fun-loving, servant-hearted leaders who are committed to the mission and vision of ALIVE and brave enough to work with Chris Jessee!