
Jesus loves children. So much so that when his disciples saw children as distractions or less important Jesus not only rebuked them, but he elevated children. He said that “the kingdom of God belongs to such as these (children).”

That is the heart of our God and it’s our heart too. We love children, so we have partnered with wonderful organizations that value children. We believe to be truly pro-life is to care about life from the womb and all the way to eternity. That is why these next two ministries go hand in hand. We not only want to be there for Mothers when they choose life, but we also want to be with them through any difficult years ahead.

Choices Women’s Clinic

Choices Women’s Clinic goes wherever abortions are happening. They advocate for pre-born children while honoring and loving mothers and fathers who feel that they have no other choice.

Here are two practical ways that we have and can continue to partner with this organization. 

Walk for Life

The Walk for Life is a fun, easy way for people of all ages to get involved and make a difference for life. Each year hundreds of walkers raise funds to support the ministry at Choices Women's Clinic. This year, Metro Life Church was represented by a team of about 20 walkers, contributing $3,790 to the total of $545,550 raised.


Baby Showers 

We have an opportunity to show support to moms who choose life by hosting a baby shower at Choices. Small groups can provide an opportunity for the mom to build a relationship with a church community by providing food, gifts, and lots of love! 


If you want to know how your community group can host a baby shower, provide a meal for a parenting class, or you want to take a tour of one of Choice’s facilities, contact Rachel Price at 727-631-7420

Commission 127 

Commission 127 focuses on stabilizing and strengthening families by preventing neglect, providing for basic needs and keeping thousands of children from being separated from their families. The care portal allows us to connect with children and families in need within miles of our church. By gathering and physically delivering the items, we unlock a beautiful opportunity to interact with the people directly served and sparking a chance for vulnerable families to gain ongoing, meaningful connection with our church members.

Join our Team!!




If you want to know more about these wonderful ministries or have questions about getting involved, please contact Heather Mellichamp or Rachel Price.