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There is something biblical but tragically rare happening in Casselberry, faithful local churches walking in unity. The friendships and trust that have been formed among pastors in this community have come through years of investing. And the fruit of those years is the ability for us to partner together in ministry.  I hope you see in the following updates many reasons to praise God for what he is up to.

Neighbor to Neighbor


You might have missed it, but the week before Easter we had the largest Neighbor to Neighbor event since the pandemic. This is a big deal and I want you to be able to rejoice with me.

There were more volunteers and more churches involved than at any time in the past 3 years! 

That is a fruit of health that is worth getting excited about. My hope is that we continue to grow in this direction in the coming years. If you have never served through Neighbor to Neighbor before or if you have more times than you can count, I want to encourage you with these words.

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”

Galatians 6:9


Bringing Back Funtoberfest

Lastly, I wanted to let you all know that the Casselberry Churches are bringing back the city-wide Funtoberfest event. This event, which takes the place of the city's Halloween festival, is free to the public and in the past has had thousands of people attend. 

This year it will be in the heart of Casselberry at Lake Concord Park on Saturday, October 21st. It is our hope to have:


That alone would take an army of volunteers but this year we want to try something new. At the event, we will be handing out an invite to 3 events that will be hosted by different churches involved. These events will be targeted at providing a resource to members of our community. This could be a class on parenting or finances. It could be as simple as a joint church youth event. The goal is to help members of our community take one step closer to the church and ultimately Jesus.

Register now to be a volunteer!

Please consider registering yourself and your family as Funtoberfest volunteers.

Join The Mission

I hope you see that there are many ways you can join the mission of the church. We would love for you to join a serve team or volunteer for an upcoming event.

Another way you can participate in the mission of the church is to give financially. You can give a one-time gift or set up a recurring monthly gift. These funds will go towards spreading the love and name of Jesus. 

Partner with us through giving!



Thank you for taking the time to read through these posts. I hope you have seen ways that our church is walking in the good works that God has prepared for us. I also hope you see some ways that He might be calling you to jump in. 

If you have any questions about our Local Mission, ways that you can get involved, or ideas you have please let me know. You can email me at or better yet, shoulder tap me sometime in the coming weeks.

I’m grateful that Jesus has called us to walk together as a church family. I love each one of you and I can’t wait to one day stand together with you as we behold his face.

Your partner in the good news of Jesus,
