New Community Partner
One of the principles that guide our local mission is working with partnerships. There are ministries and organizations in our community that are doing important work with excellence. Instead of trying to form our own version of these ministries, we build relationships with them, support their work, and together do more than either of us could have done alone.
We call these our Community Partners and I want you to know about them. Take a moment to explore their web pages.
Learn about all of our community partners! |
Goods and Grace
I want to introduce you all to our newest Community Partner, Goods and Grace. This ministry exists to nourish bodies and souls with dignity and grace by providing low-cost groceries to ALICE families. ALICE stands for asset limited, income constrained, and employed. That is any family that is at or 200% over the poverty line. This means a family of 4 in Seminole County making $52,400 a year would qualify to purchase low-cost groceries.
They are opening their first location on the corner of 17-92 and 436 right down the road from the church. It’s as if God has prepared this good work for our church to walk in.
Why is that important? Because this ministry serves our families, our friends, and our community. It allows financially vulnerable families to afford the basic food items to feed their children. And Goods and Grace needs our help to make this all happen. For this model to work they need us to spread awareness and volunteer our time working in the store.
You can learn more about this ministry and sign up to volunteer by visiting their website.
Volunteer Today! |
If you have any questions about the ministry, community partners, or volunteering, email Shane at skohout@metrolife.org