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This summer, Alive Youth Group is looking for interns!  What does this mean?  We're looking to get two individuals involved in all aspects of our youth ministry including studying and practicing what it means to be a leader.  

From fun to grunge, meeting or activities planning to cleaning up afterward this will be a great opportunity to study alongside Chris and Aron as well as look into God's Word and pray for Alive.  

We're looking for those currently in High School and applications will be accepted through early May.  The final selection will be made mid-May.

More info is below as well as the application for the summer internship...


Position Description

SUMMER INTERNSHIPThis person is one of two students who will help plan and organize summer activities for Alive.

We’ll explore things like: what it means to be a leader and see all aspects of the youth ministry at Metro Life Church.

There will be times of studying God’s Word together as well as books to read and prayer.


- Works alongside Chris to coordinate activities and announcements.
- Ensures that the events stay fresh and inviting for all youth and their friends!
- Prepares any needed budget or registration collection
- Recommends and accomplishes any necessary arrangements ahead of time
- Recommends and facilitates creative ways to highlight the youth ministry activity announcements.
- Assist in coordinating a team of 2-3 other people (possibly youth) since multiple minds makes for creativity!
- Works alongside other volunteer coordinators as needed.

Possible Spiritual Gifts: Hospitality, Administration, Event planning, Vision and Leadership.
(Don’t worry; not all of these are needed at the same time)

Time Commitment: 1 Day (Thursdays) per week plus activity and ALIVE youth group meeting participation

Resources: Mr. O and Chris will support this person through needed communication, budget sources when available and many appreciative pats on the back!

All activities including Alive Camp this summer will be covered as a part of the internship.  There is no hourly pay-rate for this role.



Fill out my online form.