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Truth Quest Study: Jesus Appeared to the Disciples

TruthQuest_JesusAppearsToHisDisciplesDear Parents,

After Jesus’ resurrection, Jesus graciously appeared to the disciples, proving that He was alive. Even though Jesus had told His disciples that He would die and rise again, they believed by seeing.

Talk about how the disciples must have felt when Jesus appeared in the locked room with them. Jesus told them not to be afraid! To prove that He had a real, physical body, Jesus let them touch His hands. He even ate some fish! Jesus gave the disciples the Holy Spirit and equipped them to proclaim the gospel.

The resurrection is essential to the gospel. If Christ remained dead, His death would have meant nothing more than any other human being’s. God gives us victory over death through Jesus. Emphasize to your kids that Christians have a special purpose: to tell others that Jesus is alive!


Please <<click here>> to find out more about our parterning with True Life Choice to raise funds via the Baby Bottles many children received yesterday in class.