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Vacation Bible School 2014: Jungle Safari Recap

Below is a recap of the lessons we've learned this week as a part of our 2014 Vacation Bible School: Jungle Safari.  We hope this was a wonderful week for your family, we had a great time with all of the children that were able to participate and look forward to continuing to learn all about God in Truth Quest each Sunday as well!


Day 1

This week we took an exciting journey to discover who God is and what it means to us. Your child learned that we can count on God because God is CREATOR. He made the world and everything in it—yet WE are His masterpiece! God made each person on purpose, for a purpose. That purpose and plan was evident from the very beginning. God loves us more than anything, and we can show our love by serving His creations.

Read Psalm 24:1 together.

Then ask these questions to guide your at-home discussion:

• How do you feel knowing that everything in the world belongs to God—including you?

• What are some ways that God made our family members alike?

• What are some ways that God made each of our family members different?

• How can we as a family serve God by helping His creations?


Day 2

Your child learned that we can count on God because God is PROVIDER. He gives us everything we need—and so much more! God provided for Elijah using scavenger birds and a poor widow, and He’ll provide for us too. We can show our trust in God by sharing His provision.

Read Psalm 54:4 together.

Then ask these questions to guide your at-home discussion:

• Why does God choose to help and care for us?

• How do you feel, knowing how much you matter to God?

• When is it hard to trust God to take care of our family?

• How can we as a family serve God by sharing His provision?


Day 3

Your child learned that we can count on God because God is PROTECTOR. He’s always with us, and gives us strength when things are hard. God protected Daniel from a den of hungry lions, and He’ll protect us too. We can depend on His strength as we protect others.

Read Psalm 46:1 together.

Then ask these questions to guide your at-home discussion:

• Why does God choose to protect us?

• When has our family needed God’s protection?

• How can we go to God with our fears and problems?

• How can we as a family serve God by protecting others?


WelcomeDay 4

Your child learned that we can count on God because God is SAVIOR. He sent Jesus to save us from the punishment we all deserve because of our sin. No matter how hard life seems, we can always have hope because of Jesus. His death and resurrection was only the beginning of the life we can have through Him. We can show our gratitude by telling others the good news of salvation.

Read Psalm 25:5 together.

Then ask these questions to guide your at-home discussion:

• Why is hope such an important thing?

• Why do we have hope because of Jesus?

• Are there people in our family who need to know about Jesus?

• How can we as a family serve God by telling others about Him?


Day 5

Your child learned that we can count on God because God is KING. He is all-powerful, ruling forever over Heaven and earth. And yet He cares about US! God is preparing a wonderful home in Heaven for all who believe. We can honor God by praising Him.

Read Psalm 47:7 together.

Then ask these questions to guide your at-home discussion:

• What are some ways that our family praises God?

• Who are some family members that we hope to see again in Heaven?

• What are you most looking forward to in Heaven?

• How can we as a family serve God by giving Him praise?

Here are some of the photos from our week toghether!