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Advent is possibly one of the most mysterious and simultaneously misunderstood traditions in the Christian faith. But what is it, and why do we celebrate it?

A follow up note by Shane Kohout on MLC's recent Neighbor-To-Neighbor outreach and some photos from the day!

Good Morning! Here is a brief recap of some of the songs that we used to worship God through this past Sunday, as well as some of the scriptures that inform them. We hope you are encouraged and uplifted as you read and watch below!

Here's a brief taste of what is in store for our teens at the upcoming Re:NEW youth conference!

Good morning! Here is a brief recap of some of the songs that we used to worship God through this past Sunday, as well as some of the scriptures that inform them. We hope you are encouraged and uplifted as you listen and read below!

An update about the new D-group of leaders who are working alongside Chris Jessee in Alive, including their roles in the youth ministry and a little bit of the heart behind why they've chosen to invest in the young people of MLC.

While celebrating Advent isn’t on par with the Sacraments in the church, such as celebrating communion, it is a tool to help us pause and remember the anticipation of the Messiah. This anticipation then informs our waiting for the second coming.

We want our eager anticipation to be well informed by the scriptures as well as tradition. We’ll do this over the four Sundays leading up to Christmas and on Christmas Eve. Here’s what will be involved each week: We’ll make use of the simple advent wreath as a visual aid in our celebration which includes an evergreen wreath and 5 candles.

Good morning! Here is a brief recap of some of the songs that we used to worship God through this past Sunday, as well as some of the scriptures that inform them.

Good morning! Here is a recap of the songs that we sang and through which we worshiped God while gathered this past Sunday. We hope that these, along with the scriptures that go along with them, are an encouragement to you this week.

From Chris: This week we wrapped up our Element’s study on God’s Word. This final sermon was entitled “The Word And Us.” Its purpose was to help our students would understand that as Christ-followers, God’s Word must be at the center of our lives. We were challenged to discover (or re-discover) a joy for encountering God in His Word.

From Chris: Good morning, Here is a brief recap of the songs that we used to worship God through as well as some of the scriptures that inform them. I've also included an extended devotional based on the Matt Redman song: 10,000 Reasons. Enjoy the goodness of our Father God as you consider these passages and songs together

From Chris: I've been seeking to post the songs that we're singing corporately each week along with the scriptures that we see they are drawn from. I hope this is a helpful resource for you. This week I came across something that I thought was really cool and it goes along with one of our newer songs: 'Grace Alone' - here you'll see the author, Dustin Kensrue, putting the scriptures directly in line with the lyrics. I trust this encourages you today

Meet the Ruiz family. A few family members began attending Metro two years ago. At the start of this year a few more family members began to visit. Since January 6 different family members have placed their trust in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of their sins! Family members, the Chin home group, and the preached Word have all been used by God to draw one family member after another to The Lord. And then they bring more family members!

We tend to hear “God’s Word” and think of our Bibles. Of course, we know that the Bible is indeed God’s Word. But a good understanding of God’s Word goes deeper than just the words on our favorite Bible app.

We’ve been studying God’s Love recently, more specifically God’s Love as a part of His Character, God’s Love in it’s greatest display through the cross and how we’re called to show or display God’s Love as those who have so generously received it. Would you consider today how you’re being called to show love to others?

Good Morning Metro! I hope the steadfast love and mercy of The Lord is encouraging you in your day. I don't know all the ways the Holy Spirit was speaking to our church family yesterday, but speak He did! We have such a tender Heavenly Father, gracious in His every dealing with us. My prayer is that there is faith in every heart for the good work that began for so many who "buried" their idols.

I can't believe we have reached the end of our series in Genesis so fast! It seems each week we have been seeing just how much of the Gospel is actually in the first book of the Bible! It would be generations upon generations before the birth of Jesus Christ, but in the patriarchal family we have seen glimpse after glimpse of God's salvation plan.

We reached the turning point on Sunday in our study of Genesis 37-50. Joseph revealed his identity and the brothers are reunited! As Joseph listened to Judah plead with him to take Benjamin's place, Joseph knew that Judah was not the same man he once was. And that led to Joseph revealing his identity. More than reveal himself, Joseph forgave his brothers! How, in light of what they had done to him, could he do that? Joseph said it best himself

Dear Lord Jesus, as with all the Scriptures, ultimately, these verses make me think of you. There’s no one more filled with kindness and gentle answers than you; no one with a wiser, loving, healing tongue than yours. You ever live to use your words to pray for us, bless us, and sing to us of your great delight in us, and irrepressible affection for us. Hallelujah, many times over.

In Webster’s 1828 Dictionary of the English Language, we find the definition of HOSPITALITY ~ The act or practice of receiving and entertaining members, guests,or strangers without reward and with kind and generous liberality. This opportunity is not just for ladies - but men, young men and young ladies (ages 14 years and up) who want to pour their gifts and talents out in this area or to learn.

Joseph's story is helping me to see that God is at work in the hardest places of my life, even if I can’t presently see the outcome. Joseph's story is reminding me that what looks and feels like a pit to me is a kiln in God's purposes, where He is shaping me more and more into His image. He is growing me in those places. Joseph's story of looking past Egypt reminds me that this world is not my home.

I hope your week is beginning by being warmed by the grace given to you in Jesus Christ! What a thought... God wants me to grow (uh-oh, that sounds like a work)…in grace! God's good intention for me and for you is to go deeper in the experience and knowledge of what we have been given in Jesus.

We've provided the questions from Dave Harvey’s message, Prodigal: The Elder Brother. We encourage you to listen to the message if you weren't with us on Sunday or listen again as a refresher. Let's take time to study the Scriptures and examine ourselves in this story of the Prodigal Son.

We concluded our series on building the local church by looking at 5 pledges, or commitments. Unlike a country club or association dues, building a local church calls for each part of the body to do its part, so that the whole body is built up. That can't be accomplished simply through giving, and it can't be accomplished if the body isn't functioning properly. Take some time to review the pledges below, and see how the Lord will lead you and your family into a greater understanding of the difference we can make for His kingdom when our gifts and lives are knit together!

What makes a good church? Good preaching, outstanding musicians, awesome youth ministry, good coffee, multiple and short services? Maybe a good church is one that runs a soup kitchen for the needy, supports missionaries overseas, or has a partnership with a local crisis pregnancy center.

My name is Daniel, and I am really glad to share with you what the Lord has been doing in my heart, as of late.

Pray for opportunities and seize the moments to tell the world the reason for the hope that is in you, and pray for the grace to live in such a way that the light of Jesus Christ shines forth from you, causing many to wonder, "why are you joyful, hopeful, helpful, etc?"

A priesthood of believers, where everyone had a vision to see the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ on display, by investing in other lives, was possible. And it possible now. As one of your pastors the thing that excites me the most is that I see it happening all throughout our church! This is a church filled with people who love Jesus, who know they need His grace day by day, and who are desirous to share that grace with others. That is what will "BUILD" Metro Life Church.

I hope you have encountered the encouragement and power of the Holy Spirit since we gathered on Sunday. As we begin our series entitled Build: Fashioning a Spirit Filled, Mission Minded Church For His Glory, I could think of no better place to begin than on the person of the Holy Spirit.

Our church has experienced the deaths of close friends and family members recently. One in particular inspired this post. Steve Ballinger and his wife Peggy have been members at Metro Life Church from the very beginning. They raised their children here together and taught them what it means to live a life sold out for God. Steve passed away a few weeks ago after a long illness. His daughter, Noelle, declared at his memorial service that we are not like those who grieve without hope.

The Creator wired us to connect with stories because He has a grand story He wants us to know and respond to. The Bible, which he inspired and led men to write, is the epic true story of God revealing Himself to us. It’s the ultimate story. Jesus also used the power of story by telling many parables about living as God’s children. The stories of God moving in our daily lives are also powerful. Our stories of God guiding and helping usâ€"if we remember themâ€"can give us hope for the challenges we face today and can encourage others.

Do you ever find yourself giving up on seeing somebody you love become a Christian? Two years ago, Bob’s dad moved into an assisted living facility (ALF) near us. His wife had passed away unexpectedly, leaving him alone in the house they shared for fifty years. The closest family was two hours away; and even though we hired help, his failing eyesight made it obvious that a change was needed.

God has been teaching me that regardless of how insufficient I feel, He is greater. When I’ve tried to figure out on my own how to transition neighborly chat into talk about God, I couldn’t find an easy way or smooth transition. But God has given me His boldness. I don’t need the perfect opportunity to share the Love of God. He’s teaching me that those five seconds of awkwardness are entirely worth it. It is for the sake of their soul!

It wasn't until someone preached the gospel to me that I started feeling convicted about my sins. I knew I wasn't living my life right. I felt like I needed a change, I needed something... what I needed was a Savior.

Noelle Orr shared a touching tribute to her dad on Father's Day, Sunday, June 16th 2013 | "...the greatest lesson dad has lived each and every day is love. And because he has loved me, I understand the love of God. I am the recipient of his legacy of love, a gift of limitless worth from a man who has no equal.

2 Corinthians 12:9 says “But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.” What wonderful news! I’m hoping I can talk Emily into following me around and reminding me of this truth on a daily basis (or weekly, whatever works with her schedule).

May 19, 2013 will forever be noted in history books as the Sunday where no Metro Life Church members were seen in Tijuana Flats. Difficult to believe as it may be, the popular (and nearby) Tex-Mex chain was not closed for business, and it wasn't a church-wide day of fasting. This time, our lunch drove to us.

Our vision is that Casselberry and beyond would see a display of the glory of God through us; through how we live, how we love, how we serve, how we give, how we hope, how we pray, how we do all that we do, whether eating or drinking or playing or anything else…that we would be a display of the glory of God that is powerful to draw others to God’s glorious light!

"These all died in faith, not having received the things promised, but having seen them and greeted them from afar, and having acknowledged that they were strangers and exiles on the earth. For people who speak thus make it clear that they are seeking a homeland. If they had been thinking of that land from which they had gone out, they would have opportunity to return. But as it is, they desire a better country, that is, a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared for them a city." - Hebrews 11:13-16

Sunday morning, March 10th - our song-list included 'O For A Thousand' by Gateway Worship, 'Blessed Be Your Name' by Matt Redman, a new song for us titled 'Sovereign' by Chris Tomlin as well as '10,000 Reasons' by Matt Redman.

Who do we expect to "be there" for us when life gets hard? Our families. And those of us in the church have the same expectation of our church family. So how do we pray for those facing terminal illness? How can we overcome the awkwardness of interacting with those going through a divorce or grieving the death of a spouse or child? How do we keep from being that person who said the wrong thing to someone who's lost a loved one? How do we help those who have gone through a very public trial get back to normal in the life of our church? These are the kinds of questions Nancy Guthrie addresses in her breakout session taught at this years Pastors Conference: Learning to Walk with Each Other Through Loss.

Good Morning, Metro! So where is that place where you keep your bills that need to be paid? Some of ours are auto pay, but some still go the old fashioned way of the mailbox. Those bills are in the kitchen. I write a check and seal the envelope but sure enough, about 30 days later they show up again!

"...that their hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in love, to reach all the riches of full assurance of understanding and the knowledge of God’s mystery..." Colossians 2:2

We had a wonderful Sunday evening Thirst meeting. The Lord was so kind to provide us with numerous ministry opportunities, and it seems a great many people were encouraged, refreshed and ministered too in specific ways.

Good Morning Metro! I hope you are very aware of the love of Christ and enjoying this fact; Jesus is in you! As we continued on in Colossians on Sunday morning I thought I would bring this reflection from Sam Storms back to our attention:

Amazing grace! We know it, but our hearts and consciences so often betray us. A confrontation with our imperfections, stumbling and sins whisper things to us that would seek to weaken our confidence in the finished work of Jesus.

If you were unable to be with us for our Family Meeting, then you missed the opportunity to hear a profound and "real" testimony of what the Gospel of Jesus Christ is doing in the heart of member.

So I've been thinking about the times of worship at the Enduring Love Marriage Retreat, and then during our Sunday morning service. I could be wrong in my impression, but in both places there seemed to be a more tangible awareness of the presence of God.

A helpful article posted recently to TableTalk on receiving messages given in the church

Review of the 10 posts on our 'life together' blog and sermons listened to in 2012