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October has always been my favorite month.

It's that last month to really relax as "down time" before the holidays preparation sets in. Of course, at this stage of my life, my holiday preparation consists of snapping the fresh green beans and cooking them to take to Kenny and Cindy's house. That baton got passed many years ago when we returned from North Carolina to our tiny apartment where the dining capacity is six. At their house four generations gather under one roof to laugh and love and eat.

October is also special to me because it's my birth month.

On the 28th of this month I will celebrate my eightieth birthday. Completing eight decades here on earth makes me aware that I have a lot more past than future to spend here. However, I am also aware that eighty years is just a blip on my timeline as I consider eternity. One day soon I will bid farewell to everything and everyone here to embark on the greatest adventure anyone could hope for. As I say goodbye to all I have ever known, I will be saying hello to all I have ever dreamed or hoped for. No pain, no disappointment, no struggle, no warfare, no sin, no devil--beauty beyond my greatest imaginings and peace to enjoy it to the fullest.

And I will be alive...really alive..perfectly alive...body, soul and spirit. I will be able to run again and dance like a child without fear of to sing again with perfect able to understand and be to love and be loved without limit...and I will never have to hurry again because I will be living beyond time or space.

And I will have forever to look on the face of the One I hear His voice as He calls me by my new feel His look into His eyes...and to know I have been created for His good pleasure for all eternity.

I began as a concept in His thoughts...In the fullness of time, I was physically born...and at the age of eleven, I was "born again" and at that moment the Holy Spirit began the work in me to conform me to His image so that the day would come when I would be ready to live at His side forever...That day is soon approaching...and I am filled with excitement as this door stands ajar before me.

In the meantime, there are still assignments to be carried out, my character still needs "tweaking", and I still have places to go and people to meet before I can depart planet earth. But, as I wake each morning I smile as I am reminded that I am one day closer to seeing His face!

"And when this perishable puts on the imperishable and this that was capable of dying puts on freedom from death, then shall be fulfilled the Scripture that says, Death is swallowed up (utterly vanquished forever) in and unto victory.(Isaiah 25:8) O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?"(Hosea 13:14)..1Corinthians 15:54-55

Recommended Reading
Randy Alcorn

With love from my chair at the Harvest Table,

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