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In this post Lesli Slack reviews our May meeting. This is more than a review, though; it is an encouragement as well.

Should taking a risk be part of our Christian life?

Going from hearing to doing.

Offering thanksgiving for the opportunity to break in some shoes.

Shirley is back with an unexpected post. Read it and you'll see what we mean...

Shirley shares with us her research of the many uses of a very common word. But what she discovers in the process stops her in her tracks with gratefulness. She also makes a very important announcement at the end so don't miss it. Be sure and express your gratitude by commenting.

Shirley provides some much needed reminders as we approach the busy holiday season. But what she shares isn't what you normally hear...

This week Shirley will celebrate her 80th birthday, which has caused her to contemplate eternity. Let's listen in...

As Jerry and Shirley prepare to go on a cruise to celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary, she shares with us some insights the Holy Spirit gave her about what to wear on her trip.

Shirley shares with us what it means to truly walk the talk the way Christ intended us to. Are you a steward of all God has given you? Read to find out...

Shirley relates today's post about an old TV show where impossible tasks were assigned, yet accomplished in the 60 minute show, to the seemingly impossible troubles we face today as Christians.

Today's post provides a lesson through a parable of sorts. Listen in as Shirley's shares with us something precious God revealed to her.

Shirley shares with us how God orchestrates all our days, and you might be surprised at how far reaching His "new mercies" are. If we can grasp this Truth, our days will be filled with more joy than we ever imagined.

Today Shirley shares a unexpected conversation she had with The Lord about what was on His mind for her. It had to do with the bowl of fruit in front of her. See if you can relate...

Shirley shares a current season in her life where God is calling her to empty everything before Him so He can fill her with what He desires. A challenging post for all of us.

Shirley shares a fresh struggle she is facing in her heart and encourages us to pray for God to do what only He can do--change our hearts.

Shirley shares with us the difference between relational trials and circumstantial trials. Knowing which type of trial we're facing will help us know how to better deal with it.

Today Shirley shares with us a secret she has discovered in growing closer to Christ year after year. And it might surprise you as to how accessible this same process is to us. Grab your favorite drink and drink in her words as she leads us to Christ.

Today Shirley shares with us a gift God gave to her, and she encourages us to ask in faith for gifts like these. You may tap into something hidden you didn't know was possible.

Shirley tells a story from her childhood that allows us to understand her upbringing and how God used this to make her who she is today. We all have a story--today is the day to enjoy her's...

Today Shirley shares with us a word that many of us may no longer use and may not even practice. Her hope is that after today that will change...

Shirley shares the importance of choosing our words wisely. It matters more than we may realize.

Shirley shares a surprising story that will take your breath away. You may never look at panhandlers in the same way again.

Shirley offers a timely word about perspective and the difference it makes in how we handle the circumstances we're facing.

Shirley invites us into a personal conversation with the Lord. Let's listen in and glean what we can for our encouragement and growth in loving others the way our Father loves us.

Shirley provides fresh perspective on a common thing you may love or hate. In either case, it's inevitable.

Shirley offers encouragement to not neglect meeting house to house, face to face in this high tech world.

Have you ever gone through a season you thought would never end? I think we all have. Shirley offers us a wise reminder when facing those dark seasons of the soul.

Shirley shares with us valuable insight as to how to handle being the mother of a prodigal.

Shirley shares with us about a word that has become all too common in a negative way. See how she changes our focus to what matters...

Have you ever wished you could start over--push the reset button on life? God has provided such a way, and Shirley does an excellent job explaining it.

Leslie Santamaria provides a recap of our latest women's ministry night. If you were unable to attend we encourage you to take a moment and listen in on all God did in and through us. It was a night to remember.

Today Lesli Slack shares with us a very personal testimony of how God brought her from a place of seeking joy in Him to being truly happy in Him. We think it'll inspire you to seek Him as well.

We live in an age of information. Shirley shares with us the challenge it is to turn the information we accumulate into wisdom that glorifies God.

Have you ever thought of the difference between a crown and an apron? Shirley provides an explanation you might never forget.

Shirley offers fresh perspective on something we all face daily--the choice to love others or to love self.

Shirley shares with us the three ways God answers our prayers. It might not be what you'd expect.

Shirley shares the importance of being willing to receive from others with gratefulness.

Shirley shares specifically what it looks like to obey God His way.

In the image of God, men and women were created triune beings...body, soul, and spirit. God invites us to fellowship with Him on a daily basis in the secret place, reserved just for you.

Shirley's Corner - The Blessedness of Labor - In God's plan for mankind (and womankind), blessing and responsibility go hand in hand. How often what God means for blessing, by our attitudes, we turn into drudgery. Like children, we long to throw off responsibility and play--doing absolutely nothing sounds glorious to us. However, God, in His wisdom has other plans.

Part Two of Minding The Three "P's" Series, Shirley Corbett shares about "Presumption" and the dangers that ensue when we give into it.