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Shirley is back with an unexpected post. Read it and you'll see what we mean...

Shirley shares with us her research of the many uses of a very common word. But what she discovers in the process stops her in her tracks with gratefulness. She also makes a very important announcement at the end so don't miss it. Be sure and express your gratitude by commenting.

Shirley provides some much needed reminders as we approach the busy holiday season. But what she shares isn't what you normally hear...

This week Shirley will celebrate her 80th birthday, which has caused her to contemplate eternity. Let's listen in...

As Jerry and Shirley prepare to go on a cruise to celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary, she shares with us some insights the Holy Spirit gave her about what to wear on her trip.

Shirley shares with us what it means to truly walk the talk the way Christ intended us to. Are you a steward of all God has given you? Read to find out...

Shirley relates today's post about an old TV show where impossible tasks were assigned, yet accomplished in the 60 minute show, to the seemingly impossible troubles we face today as Christians.

Today's post provides a lesson through a parable of sorts. Listen in as Shirley's shares with us something precious God revealed to her.

Shirley shares with us how God orchestrates all our days, and you might be surprised at how far reaching His "new mercies" are. If we can grasp this Truth, our days will be filled with more joy than we ever imagined.

Today Shirley shares a unexpected conversation she had with The Lord about what was on His mind for her. It had to do with the bowl of fruit in front of her. See if you can relate...