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For the past two weeks I have been bombarded with the scripture in Isaiah 43:18-19.

"Do not (earnestly) remember the former things; neither consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs forth; do you not perceive and know it and will you not give heed to it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert."

He has posted it all over Face Bookmnearly every day.

Yet, yesterday, I went into my closet with my copy of "The Pursuit of God" as I have always done on New Year's Day for many years and did not feel His Presence anywhere in the room. The words on these pages failed to connect with my heart as they had always done before. After about ten minutes I gave up, left the closet, put on my headphones and soaked up a worship tape that took me straight to His Throne.

Again I tried to pick up the book and finish the chapter--just black ink on white paper--I was frustrated the rest of the day. The year was certainly not starting off the way I planned.

This morning when I went to my closet, He began speaking before I reached for the book. In my spirit I heard Him repeat Isaiah 43:18-19. This time He had my full attention--this time I heard Him. He was doing a new thing, while I was clinging to the familiar, the "tried and true", I still wanted our normal routine, but He was moving on. He was not interested in spending an hour or two with me in the closet.

He wants my attention 24/7 just as He gives me His. He wants me to get dressed every morning and wait for instructions. He reminded me that His sheep hear His Voice. He can make Himself heard. It is His responsibility to make His will known and mine to obey.

If I am going to follow Him, I need to pay attention; I need to be ready to move when He moves.

Jesus said, "I do nothing of Myself. I say nothing of Myself only as I hear and see what the Father is doing and saying". Father had His Son's full attention and He wants mine. He wants to choose the books I need to read. He wants to control my time, my relationships, and everything else that is a part of my life.

So...I am on call now every day....all day...listening for His voice. As I take care of my responsibilities here at home, I'm alert for any interruption He might send into my day. He has invested much into my life for His purposes and my joy. He is doing a new thing, indeed; We are coming out of the closet. Let the adventure begin!

With love from my chair at the Table,


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1 Comment

Hello! I am planning to move to your area in February, God willing. I like what i have seen on your website. I have been active in my church here in Alabama, and I look forward to meeting all y'all very soon. Do you have any knitters or crocheters in your ladies group? I do both.

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