Steward is another of those words that have gone out of style...We usually think of a flight attendant or someone who serves or instructs about wine, but the Scriptures teach us that a steward is one who is a manager or overseer for the owner.
As I have been thinking about this, I have been convicted that at times I act as if I am the owner and God is my steward. We are all familiar with the adage, "Actions speak louder than words"--In my daily life, do I live like an owner or a steward?
If everything is His, as it rightfully is, I need to realize that I am accountable to Him for my very life and all that entails...
MY time? MY money? MY possessions? MY children? Or...
HIS time, HIS money, HIS possessions, HIS children...
It makes a difference when we truly believe every good gift comes from Him and we are merely managers of these gifts.
"Every good gift and every perfect (free, large, full) gift is from above; it comes down from the Father of all (that gives) light, in (the shining of) Whom there can be no variation (rising or setting) or shadow cast by His turning (as in an eclipse). And it was of His own (free) will that He gave us birth (as sons) by (His) Word of Truth, so that we should be a kind of first fruits of His creatures (a sample of what He created to be consecrated to Himself). James 1:17-18 (Amplified Bible)
So, practically, what does this look like?
1- How well am I managing His money? Am I wasteful? How much food did I throw away this past month because of poor planning? Did I buy clothing not because I needed it, but because I was tired of the "old things" hanging in my closet? Am I spending His money wisely as I shop? Do I pray for wisdom as I make purchases? Am I discerning when it comes to needs versus wants? Am I extravagant or greedy?
2- How well am I maintaining His possessions? Am I making sure my home, my car, my clothes are clean and in good repair? Do I take excellent care of all these possessions He has gifted me with in order that they will serve me for a long time instead of having to be replaced because of my neglect? Am I unwilling to share His possessions with others? Am I using these possessions to glorify Him? Is He pleased with my choices? Am I content with what He has provided, or do I want "bigger and better"?
3- Am I using His time to further His Kingdom here on earth? Am I inquiring of Him what His priorities are for my life? Too much emphasis on pleasure? Too much time spent on career or job? Too much or too little time spent sleeping? Too much or too little time spent with others? Not enough time spent in His presence?
Proverbs 29:18 -" Where there is no vision (no redemptive revelation of God), the people perish; but he who keeps the law (of God, which includes that of man) ...blessed (happy, fortunate, and enviable) is he."
Ask the Holy Spirit to examine your lifestyle as a steward and to give you that vision that will accomplish the purposes for which you were created. Read the Owner's Manual. He has spelled out a lot of your answers there. When you have heard your Master's voice, let nothing nor anyone distract you. Obey completely so that on the day you see His face you will hear these words...."Well done, good and faithful servant (Steward)...Enter into the joy of your King!"
Recommended Reading
"Pleasing God"
R. C. Sproul
With love from my chair at the Harvest Table,
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