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Good Afternoon! Here is a brief recap of some of the songs that we used to worship God through this past Sunday, as well as some of the scriptures that inform them. Also included in this post is the recap video of Alive Youth Group's ReNEW conference that took place this month. We hope you are encouraged and uplifted as you listen, read, and watch below!

As I type this it’s late into the evening the night before a youth retreat and this is one of my favorite nights of the year! There’s great anticipation and our group of leaders met this afternoon for a time of training as well as buttoning up the final details preparing for your teens tomorrow morning. It was like Christmas morning seeing all of the details coming together and the things that worked… or didn’t, so much fun together as a team of leaders! In the midst of all of that business I wanted to take a moment to communicate a few final details to you all… here goes, the 5 things you need to know heading into this week!

May we be less consumed with the diagnosis of our heart and more overwhelmed at the triumphant prognosis that Christ brings to our human condition as we consider these things, pray through them, asking God to change our hearts.