Apr 29
Sept 12, 2021
Vivamus gravida luctus feugiat. Sed sed dolor augue. Curabitur leo ex, vehicula vel orci vitae, elementum placerat nisi. Suspendisse vel urna vel neque tempus Vivamus gravida luctus feugiat. Sed sed dolor augue. Curabitur leo ex, vehicula vel orci vitae, elementum placerat nisi. Suspendisse vel urn…
Today I’d like to extend an invitation to you. We as a church are setting aside 21 days of prayer, concluding with a week of prayer and fasting. I invite you all to join us in this occasion, and consider now how you can participate.
Keep ReadingApr 29
Apr 24
Apr 22
Apr 20
Apr 17
Apr 15
Apr 13
I’ve been a follower of Jesus for over 15 years now. That might be an impressive number to a few and probably laughable to others. I only bring it up because after 15 years I find that I still make some of the same silly mistakes over and over again.
Apr 7
Some of the sweetest times for small groups/gatherings or families are when they can participate in the Lord’s Supper together. The Bible stresses the importance of unity in Communion, which is why taking Communion with those you do life with on a regular basis can be powerful.
Apr 5
We are in this together, but no one is as close to you as your spouse. Let’s cultivate our marriage so it will stand this test. Our prayer is that the marriages at Metro will bring great glory to God and be an outstanding example for our children. They are watching and learning by our example.
Apr 5
We must understand that our choices place us in the bounds of responsibility. If we acquire much, we will have the responsibility to care for much. If we choose to live a minimalist life, our responsibilities will be minimal. With our individual choices of “things,” we must be responsible as believers and prepared to cover their costs during guaranteed hardships. That is Proverbial wisdom.
Apr 5
We’re in a time when people are tempted, and instructed, to care for themselves and their families above all else. I’m not saying don’t prepare and care for your families, but in our effort to do so let’s not neglect to bear fruit as believers. These are the times when the opportunity to point people to Jesus is almost at every turn.
God is completely in control of this globe of his. He loves us – we're his own. There is absolutely nothing new under the sun: no virus, no medication, no DNA or RNA mutation … nothing that he does not completely understand. It is his and he is King. And while I may not always understand the Why in my life, I do know the Who.
We not only want to help equip our children to process information informed by the promises of scripture, but we also want to provide a platform to share their thoughts, emotions, fears, concerns, indifference, apathy, etc. Ask them. Don’t assume you know their answers. Give them time to process and think out loud. Affirm that they are sharing in a safe environment.