May 30
An Update On Your Generosity
Thank you for prayerfully and faithfully participating in helping our community experience transformed lives through Jesus Christ!
Sept 12, 2021
Vivamus gravida luctus feugiat. Sed sed dolor augue. Curabitur leo ex, vehicula vel orci vitae, elementum placerat nisi. Suspendisse vel urna vel neque tempus Vivamus gravida luctus feugiat. Sed sed dolor augue. Curabitur leo ex, vehicula vel orci vitae, elementum placerat nisi. Suspendisse vel urn…
Our moral responsibility is to equip our church to vote 'NO' on the proposed 2024 Florida Constitutional Ballot Initiative 'Amendment 3.' God's word and our affirmations of faith support this long-held belief for us.
Keep ReadingMay 30
Thank you for prayerfully and faithfully participating in helping our community experience transformed lives through Jesus Christ!
May 27
Story of Redemption, National Day of Prayer, Men's Breakfast, Parent/Child Dedication, and more - Take a look at what's happening this month at MLC!
We gathered at the end of April to review a few items related to the life of the church - including what it means to be a transformational church in the years ahead - you can review that meeting here