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Our church has experienced the deaths of close friends and family members recently. One in particular inspired this post. Steve Ballinger and his wife Peggy have been members at Metro Life Church from the very beginning. They raised their children here together and taught them what it means to live a life sold out for God. Steve passed away a few weeks ago after a long illness. His daughter, Noelle, declared at his memorial service that we are not like those who grieve without hope.

George Mueller was a pastor who served his church and cared for hundreds of orphans in the mid-19th century England. He's well known as a man of faith who prayed and sought God over and again for many things.

Good Afternoon, Metro. Jesus' words to the church in Sardis from Revelation 3:1-6 are still ringing in my ears. How about yours? Why did God preserve those seven letters to the churches in Asia? Only He knows all of His reasons, but I believe one of them is clearly expressed by Jesus Himself.

It seems we just started our series in the Sermon on the Mount, and now we have reached its conclusion. In Matthew 7:15-27 Jesus concluded His sermon with what might be called three warnings, or three doses of healthy fear. Healthy fear is a good thing, intended to cause us to consider. That's exactly what Jesus wants us to do at the conclusion of the Sermon on the Mount. He calls us to "beware" of false teachers, to "beware" of false professions of faith where someone's life does not resemble their profession of devotion to Jesus, and finally, to "beware" of the kind of foundation we build our lives upon. These warnings and exhortations call for discernment, and Jesus is so eager to provide us with the wisdom we need to rightly discern.

There have always been people hostile to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Pharaoh hardened his heart to the LORD when Moses entreated him (Exodus 7:13), Goliath defied the armies of the living God (1 Samuel 17:36), and Jesus was opposed in his message and mission (John 7:19). And any discussion about the chief opponents to the kingdom of God must include Saul of Tarsus.

The Creator wired us to connect with stories because He has a grand story He wants us to know and respond to. The Bible, which he inspired and led men to write, is the epic true story of God revealing Himself to us. It’s the ultimate story. Jesus also used the power of story by telling many parables about living as God’s children. The stories of God moving in our daily lives are also powerful. Our stories of God guiding and helping usâ€"if we remember themâ€"can give us hope for the challenges we face today and can encourage others.