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It can be easy to say "be on mission" or "love your neighbor" at times like this, scripture tells us to be ready to give a "defense for our faith" (I Peter 3:15), but where might we even consider staring? Here are some practical ways you can be equipped to respond when most helpful, it's a "round-up of resources" so to speak. Let's begin with Prayer...

One thing has become clear, we are running low on adjectives to describe what is happening around us. I sense the groanings of creation all the more and my own personal desire for our Savior to Lord over the earth in all His perfection because: “He who promised is faithful”.

Last week we posted some increased safety measures that we should all consider in times of illness around our facility. However, it seems that it is time for some follow up to that for us as a local church.

Our aim here is to provide clarity to the definition and expression of the Gifts of the Spirit at Metro Life Church. This will help both in right belief, teaching and practice of the gifts in all expressions throughout the church.