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We concluded our series on building the local church by looking at 5 pledges, or commitments. Unlike a country club or association dues, building a local church calls for each part of the body to do its part, so that the whole body is built up. That can't be accomplished simply through giving, and it can't be accomplished if the body isn't functioning properly. Take some time to review the pledges below, and see how the Lord will lead you and your family into a greater understanding of the difference we can make for His kingdom when our gifts and lives are knit together!

19th century American evangelist D.L. Moody once said, "Soon you will read in the papers that Moody is dead. Don’t believe it, for in that moment I will be more alive than I have ever been." That's the glorious truth about heaven. Revelation 21:1-8 tells us that there is no better place than the new heavens and the new earth.

Shells are great for collecting. But if you take them out of the water and put them on a shelf, they all show one main thing: life used to be here but it’s not here any more. Romans 12:9-16 is about not settling for just the shell of something. Several times in in this passage, God calls us to more than just outward expressions of a commitment to one another, but a heart that is fully engaged as well.

What makes a good church? Good preaching, outstanding musicians, awesome youth ministry, good coffee, multiple and short services? Maybe a good church is one that runs a soup kitchen for the needy, supports missionaries overseas, or has a partnership with a local crisis pregnancy center.

Pray for opportunities and seize the moments to tell the world the reason for the hope that is in you, and pray for the grace to live in such a way that the light of Jesus Christ shines forth from you, causing many to wonder, "why are you joyful, hopeful, helpful, etc?"

A priesthood of believers, where everyone had a vision to see the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ on display, by investing in other lives, was possible. And it possible now. As one of your pastors the thing that excites me the most is that I see it happening all throughout our church! This is a church filled with people who love Jesus, who know they need His grace day by day, and who are desirous to share that grace with others. That is what will "BUILD" Metro Life Church.

Be encouraged today to be a bold witness through the response of the Samaritan woman. She left the very jar she came to the well to fill so that she could go and tell of this man who is the promised Messiah [John 4:28-30] - what a wonderful portrait of preoccupation!

I hope you have encountered the encouragement and power of the Holy Spirit since we gathered on Sunday. As we begin our series entitled Build: Fashioning a Spirit Filled, Mission Minded Church For His Glory, I could think of no better place to begin than on the person of the Holy Spirit.