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Good morning! Here is a brief recap of some of the songs that we used to worship God through this past Sunday, as well as some of the scriptures that inform them. We hope you are encouraged and uplifted as you listen and read below!

God knows what it’s like to lead his people to precarious places and be with them there. That's what we saw on Sunday in Genesis 46:1-4. The LORD was leading Jacob out of the promise land and he did not know if he would ever return. And God told him "I myself will go down with you to Egypt" (Genesis 46:4). What a wonderful reassurance of the presence of God!

I hope your week is beginning by being warmed by the grace given to you in Jesus Christ! What a thought... God wants me to grow (uh-oh, that sounds like a work)…in grace! God's good intention for me and for you is to go deeper in the experience and knowledge of what we have been given in Jesus.

We've provided the questions from Dave Harvey’s message, Prodigal: The Elder Brother. We encourage you to listen to the message if you weren't with us on Sunday or listen again as a refresher. Let's take time to study the Scriptures and examine ourselves in this story of the Prodigal Son.

Shells are great for collecting. But if you take them out of the water and put them on a shelf, they all show one main thing: life used to be here but it’s not here any more. Romans 12:9-16 is about not settling for just the shell of something. Several times in in this passage, God calls us to more than just outward expressions of a commitment to one another, but a heart that is fully engaged as well.

Good Afternoon, Metro. Jesus' words to the church in Sardis from Revelation 3:1-6 are still ringing in my ears. How about yours? Why did God preserve those seven letters to the churches in Asia? Only He knows all of His reasons, but I believe one of them is clearly expressed by Jesus Himself.

Does it get more radical than this, friends? Does anything in the Sermon on the Mount communicate to us more the need for poverty of spirit? Let’s remember, this sermon isn’t about entrance into the Kingdom; it’s about life in the Kingdom. That life is made possible by the power of Jesus Christ!

On Sunday we considered these words from Colossians 3:16, "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly..." In order that we might live a life glorifying to the God who saved us, we are called both individually and as a church to have the word dwelling in us richly. We glorify God as we live out of this abundance.

I’ve always been a healthy guy. I was an All-American swimmer, and growing up in a medical household meant we knew the aisles of the health food stores better than we knew our own neighborhood. The most I saw of hospitals was when I went with my dad to do rounds and eat cookies in the cafeteria.