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Ladies, this fall we've got additional ways for you to find community together. These groups meet weekly, bi-weekly, every other week, monthly...whatever will serve the group in carrying out the purpose, vision and mission of the group for a 6 week to 4 month period of time. Click here to find out more

You’ve heard us talk about fasting the past few Sundays. We do not want to view fasting as a duty to perform. Instead we view fasting as a means of God’s grace to strengthen our affections for Him. The article below, by David Mathis (Desiring God), will encourage you with a Biblical perspective on the value of fasting.

A new update regarding the heart, vision, and plan for the change to weekly Alive meetings starting this June.

An update about the new D-group of leaders who are working alongside Chris Jessee in Alive, including their roles in the youth ministry and a little bit of the heart behind why they've chosen to invest in the young people of MLC.