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"I sometimes think that we live in fear and call it wisdom. But we live in fear - fear of the negative influences of the world. We live as though we have far more to fear from the "world" than they have to fear from us.

On Sunday we looked at two amazing miracles and the subsequent advance of the gospel in Acts 9:32-43. It is exciting to see the early church being used as instruments of the healing and saving power of Jesus.

On Sunday we showed a video in honor of moms for Mother's Day.

This past Sunday we studied Acts 9:1-31 together. In the message we looked at how Saul, later named Paul, never moved on from his conversion story. Here is how he reflected on his conversion in 1 Timothy 1:13-16:

I have heard from many dear members of Metro about the message, "When Neglect and the Gospel Intersect." Wow,