May 3
Women's Meeting - April 2017
Review of our April meeting, which featured personal testimonies and ministry around our true identity in Christ.
Sept 12, 2021
Vivamus gravida luctus feugiat. Sed sed dolor augue. Curabitur leo ex, vehicula vel orci vitae, elementum placerat nisi. Suspendisse vel urna vel neque tempus Vivamus gravida luctus feugiat. Sed sed dolor augue. Curabitur leo ex, vehicula vel orci vitae, elementum placerat nisi. Suspendisse vel urn…
Our moral responsibility is to equip our church to vote 'NO' on the proposed 2024 Florida Constitutional Ballot Initiative 'Amendment 3.' God's word and our affirmations of faith support this long-held belief for us.
Keep ReadingMay 3
Review of our April meeting, which featured personal testimonies and ministry around our true identity in Christ.
Leslie Santamaria shares about our July meeting and adds her testimony of how she was ministered to during it.
Feb 24
Our guest contributor, Lesli Slack, offers not only a description of our last meeting together but insight on how God uses these meetings in her life.
Dec 11
Leslie provides a complete recap of our Women's meetings, which occur on the 5th Sundays of the month. If you missed it you won't want to miss reading all about it.
Sep 8
Our last meeting was full in more ways than a full room. Leslie provides a recap for those who were there and shares encouragement for those who weren't.
Leslie Santamaria offers a detailed recap of our latest Women's Ministry Night held on the 5th Sunday of May. The topic was discipleship and left us all challenged and encouraged to go and do likewise.
Apr 10
Leslie Santamaria provides a recap of our latest women's ministry night. If you were unable to attend we encourage you to take a moment and listen in on all God did in and through us. It was a night to remember.
Apr 2
During Aron Osborne’s message on Noah this past Sunday, I was reminded of the following devotional I had written a while back. Aron pointed out so well the mercy of the Lord (He provided for Noah and his family; He pursues us; He is the initiator of our salvation!) and how the Lord’s mercy enables us to respond in faith-filled obedience. My short writing below focuses on trusting the Lord in times of waiting and how He mercifully develops contentment in us. I hope it encourages you.
Sep 6
The Creator wired us to connect with stories because He has a grand story He wants us to know and respond to. The Bible, which he inspired and led men to write, is the epic true story of God revealing Himself to us. It’s the ultimate story. Jesus also used the power of story by telling many parables about living as God’s children. The stories of God moving in our daily lives are also powerful. Our stories of God guiding and helping usâ€"if we remember themâ€"can give us hope for the challenges we face today and can encourage others.