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Good morning, Here's a brief recap of the songs that we used to worship God through as well as some of the scriptures that inform them. I hope this encourages your personal worship throughout the week as well!

This Sunday in Truth Quest, each child PreK-5th Grade will receive a baby bottle to help raise money for True Life Choice. True Life Choice is a crisis pregnancy center in Orlando where women can go who are contemplating an abortion but want help to choose life.

Last night at ALIVE we started our three-lesson study on God’s Word. This first lesson was entitled “The Word At Work,” and its purpose was to help us gain a more full understanding of what we mean by God’s Word, as well as challenging us to evaluate our own attitudes toward the Bible and the role it plays in our lives.

Good morning, What a full and wonderful Easter weekend we had celebrating our Risen Savior! I thought it might be helpful to reflect on some of the music and key themes we worshipped God through this past weekend. There were quite a few songs and stories told via the special music and elements that were brought together. Consider afresh today how God met you over the weekend and share that with others!

Meet the Ruiz family. A few family members began attending Metro two years ago. At the start of this year a few more family members began to visit. Since January 6 different family members have placed their trust in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of their sins! Family members, the Chin home group, and the preached Word have all been used by God to draw one family member after another to The Lord. And then they bring more family members!

We tend to hear “God’s Word” and think of our Bibles. Of course, we know that the Bible is indeed God’s Word. But a good understanding of God’s Word goes deeper than just the words on our favorite Bible app.

We’ve been studying God’s Love recently, more specifically God’s Love as a part of His Character, God’s Love in it’s greatest display through the cross and how we’re called to show or display God’s Love as those who have so generously received it. Would you consider today how you’re being called to show love to others?

This summer, Alive Youth Group is looking for two interns! What does this mean? We're looking to get two individuals involved in all aspects of our youth ministry including studying and practicing what it means to be a leader. From fun to grunge, meeting or activities planning to cleaning up afterward this will be a great opportunity to study alongside Chris and Aron as well as look into God's Word and pray for Alive.

During Aron Osborne’s message on Noah this past Sunday, I was reminded of the following devotional I had written a while back. Aron pointed out so well the mercy of the Lord (He provided for Noah and his family; He pursues us; He is the initiator of our salvation!) and how the Lord’s mercy enables us to respond in faith-filled obedience. My short writing below focuses on trusting the Lord in times of waiting and how He mercifully develops contentment in us. I hope it encourages you.