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Good Afternoon! Here is a brief recap of some of the songs that we used to worship God through this past Sunday, as well as some of the scriptures that inform them. We hope you are encouraged and uplifted as you read and watch below!

Good Morning! Here is a brief recap of some of the songs that we used to worship God through this past Sunday, as well as some of the scriptures that inform them. We hope you are encouraged and uplifted as you read and watch below!

Good Morning! Here is a brief recap of some of the songs that we used to worship God through this past Sunday, as well as some of the scriptures that inform them. We hope you are encouraged and uplifted as you read and watch below!

May we be less consumed with the diagnosis of our heart and more overwhelmed at the triumphant prognosis that Christ brings to our human condition as we consider these things, pray through them, asking God to change our hearts.

Did you notice what was embedded in the questions Chris asked this past Sunday? Explore something that was in each one of them and serves as our friendly signpost for life as Milton Vincent would say