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Ian Normand shared about an upcoming outreach called The Conversation, where over a period of 7-weeks, we invite folks to share a meal, hear a brief talk from the Bible and interact in a small group discussion.

We studied Jesus' words about anxiety from Matthew 6:25-34. It seems Jesus is saying essentially one thing, which is that we have a heavenly Father who cares for us beyond our comprehension. He knows what we need and He intends to provide. But we can all confess that sometimes we face circumstances that put our trust in the promises of our loving heavenly Father to the test. In the sermon we looked at the example of Abraham from Romans 4. Commenting on this passage Paul Tripp said the following:

Do you ever find yourself giving up on seeing somebody you love become a Christian? Two years ago, Bob’s dad moved into an assisted living facility (ALF) near us. His wife had passed away unexpectedly, leaving him alone in the house they shared for fifty years. The closest family was two hours away; and even though we hired help, his failing eyesight made it obvious that a change was needed.

Ok friends, be honest. How many of you have gone to to find out your "real" age? You have probably noticed just since Sunday how surrounded we are by advertisements, music and other forms of communication that want us to believe we will be most happy if we do all we can to store up treasure here on the earth, and fight to stay young doing it! How radical and other worldly is the kingdom of God! What can you give away today, this week? How can we be a people whose gravitational pull is Heaven, instead of the things that will pass away?