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Chris takes a moment to update us on the Casselberry Community Funtober Fest and how over the past several years we have had the opportunity to serve our community outside of the four walls of our church building or the 9 acres of our church property.

Check out this recap of the songs we sang this past Sunday, along with some of the scriptures that inform them!

Check out this recap of the songs we sang this past Sunday, along with some of the scriptures that inform them!

The point this past Sunday was for our students to understand the role Jesus played in physically demonstrating God’s glory on this earth, and that they would evaluate what effect truly “seeing” Jesus’ glory has or could have on their relationship with Christ. Read more from our latest Alive Middle School Meting Here

Through Jesus and the work of the Spirit, God would establish a new covenant and give lasting life to his people in the new heavens and new earth. Jesus is the One through whom all of these promises find fulfillment, first in his sacrificial death as a necessary and just payment for sin and then in his victorious resurrection and reign as King.

God’s glory can be one of those “church” words students think they understand. Until they actually try to define it. Then, they realize they really don’t have a good grasp on what God’s glory is. After this study, they won’t have any problem knowing what God’s glory is, and how it affects their lives.

Check out this recap of the songs we sang this past Sunday, along with some of the scriptures that inform them!

Check out this recap of the songs we sang this past Sunday, along with some of the scriptures that inform them!