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Check out this recap of the songs we sang this past Sunday, along with some of the scriptures that inform them!

The past several summers have been a great time fellowshipping together, spending time in God's Word and going all out transforming whatever location we were going to for our teens to have an experience they'll never forget. As we were praying through plans for this year one thing we considered was how we can best minister to teens based on where they were at in life. We didn't want to have two totally separate camps but it did seem like it was time to take time with Middle and High Schoolers separately.

Check out this recap of the songs we sang this past Sunday, along with some of the scriptures that inform them!

For years we have enjoyed a partnership with our friends in Haiti, recently they made us aware of a need and made a specific request and we're working to serve them... find out how you can help here!

We love our city and we're grateful for the opportunity to make this a better place, our annual Egg Hunt is a very visible way that we're able to accomplish this together as a church. This is the location that we’ve set down roots as a church family and we want to serve our community well. More than that we have a vision for something far greater than the name of one church in the area, to that end Metro Life Church, Church Together, Willow Creek PCA, New Covenant Assembly of God & Herzing University along with several other organizations are partnering with one another for our Annual Easter Egg Hunt.

Wondering what songs we worshipped to last Sunday? Check out this recap, along with some of the scriptures that inform them!

This past Sunday we considered what it meant to be a conquerer, but I wanted to share this helpful resource with you all to help us consider this more deeply from a Theological standpoint. I trust this will be helpful for your personal Bible study and encouragement this week. -Chris

Wondering what songs we worshipped to last Sunday? Check out this recap, along with some of the scriptures that inform them!