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An Unlikely Convert: Saul of Tarsus

There have always been people hostile to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Pharaoh hardened his heart to the LORD when Moses entreated him (Exodus 7:13), Goliath defied the armies of the living God (1 Samuel 17:36), and Jesus was opposed in his message and mission (John 7:19). And any discussion about the chief opponents to the kingdom of God must include Saul of Tarsus....

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Retelling Triumphs of His Grace

The Creator wired us to connect with stories because He has a grand story He wants us to know and respond to. The Bible, which he inspired and led men to write, is the epic true story of God revealing Himself to us. It’s the ultimate story. Jesus also used the power of story by telling many parables about living as God’s children. The stories of God moving i...

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Keep Asking, Keep Seeking, Keep Knocking!

In Luke 7:7-12 Jesus beckons us into a persistence and confidence in prayer. What did He want His hearers to learn? Pray Persistently - Jesus earlier said that the poor in spirit will be blessed. We are urged to pray persistently because we are poor in spirit; we are needy. We don't have the strength and grace by ourselves to live a Christ-like life, but Jesus does! Persi...

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Ian Normand Introduces The Conversation

Ian Normand shared about an upcoming outreach called The Conversation, where over a period of 7-weeks, we invite folks to share a meal, hear a brief talk from the Bible and interact in a small group discussion. ...

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The Danger of Being Undiscriminating

We studied Jesus' words on Judging in the Sermon on the Mount. I left Matthew 7:6 for this blog post. Before getting straight to the verse I want to share with you about some email exchanges with Allura, a dear church member. She was seeking to share the love of Christ with women planning to abort their babies. She shared how one lady in particular was receptive and liste...

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Your Heavenly Father Cares For You!

We studied Jesus' words about anxiety from Matthew 6:25-34. It seems Jesus is saying essentially one thing, which is that we have a heavenly Father who cares for us beyond our comprehension. He knows what we need and He intends to provide. But we can all confess that sometimes we face circumstances that put our trust in the promises of our loving heavenly Father to the tes...

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The Corner: Bonnie Anderson ~ The Long Road

Do you ever find yourself giving up on seeing somebody you love become a Christian? Two years ago, Bob’s dad moved into an assisted living facility (ALF) near us. His wife had passed away unexpectedly, leaving him alone in the house they shared for fifty years. The closest family was two hours away; and even though we hired help, his failing eyesight made it obvi...

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Where Is Your Treasure?

Ok friends, be honest. How many of you have gone to realage.com to find out your "real" age? You have probably noticed just since Sunday how surrounded we are by advertisements, music and other forms of communication that want us to believe we will be most happy if we do all we can to store up treasure here on the earth, and fight to stay young doing it! How radical and ot...

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Our Father!

Aren't they beautiful words? This is how Jesus encourages us to greet the God of the Universe each and every day! Through the finished work of Jesus on the Cross, we have been brought into a familial relationship with God. Just like in an earthly family, our Father is eager to talk with us. He wants to listen to us, encourage us, refresh us, and get our eyes on His good i...

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Your Seeing and Rewarding Father

"Your Father who sees in secret will reward you." That's how Jesus ends each section in Matthew 6:1-18. We have a Father in heaven. We are his children by adoption through Jesus Christ. And our Father sees. He sees everything that goes unnoticed and unaccounted by others. And he rewards. What a breathtaking reality!...

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